9-24-2013 Administrative Boards Minutes
of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
3:30–4:53 PM
3020 Steele Building
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. and chaired by Senior Associate Dean Bobbi Owen.
Members in attendance: Daniel Anderson,Yaakov Ariel, Navin Bapat, Jaye Cable, Deborah Jones, Li-Ling Hsiao, Erika Lindemann, Douglas MacLean, Lee May, Bobbi Owen, Christopher Putney, Michael Rolleri, Chris Roush, Margaret Scarry, Mark Schoenfisch, Nick Siedentop, Michael Waltman, Barbara Wildemuth
Absent: Christopher Derickson, Karen Gil, Marcie Cohen Ferris, Anne MacNeil, Louise McReynolds, Keith Sockman
Guest: James Leloudis
Staff: Ben Haven
Senior Associate Dean Owen conducted a brief orientation for new members prior to the meeting of the full Boards.
1. Welcome by Senior Associate Dean Bobbi Owen
Owen welcomed members, thanked them for attending the first Administrative Boards meeting of the new academic year, and invited them to introduce themselves.
2. Administrative Unit for MA in RUES
The Boards discussed and approved a proposal to add a track in Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies (REEES) to the Master of Arts in Global Studies program with an effective date of fall 2014.
3. Dual BA-MA Program, Curriculum in Contemporary European Studies, Transatlantic Master’s Program, and Center for European Studies
To facilitate a discussion of the proposed dual BA-MA program, Owen requested approval of the changes to the BA major in contemporary European studies described in the Miscellaneous Curriculum Report on the current agenda. The Boards approved the changes.
The Boards discussed and approved the proposal to create a dual BA-MA program. This program will enable students to complete all requirements for a BA with a major in contemporary European studies (EURO) and the TransAtlantic Masters (TAM 2) program in a maximum of five years. The BA major in contemporary European studies will be administered by the Curriculum in Contemporary European Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences; the MA degree will be administered by the TransAtlantic Masters Program and the Department of Political Science. In response to questions from Boards members, Owen clarified that undergraduate students may enroll in courses that can be applied toward the MA degree, provided that they have been formally admitted to the MA program.
4. Senior Honors Thesis Guidelines, Honors Carolina
Owen invited discussion of the “Senior Honors Thesis Guidelines for Academic Units, Faculty Advisors, and Students.” James Leloudis, Associate Dean for Honors Carolina and Director of the James M. Johnston Center for Undergraduate Excellence, responded to Boards members’ questions and suggestions. He also presented data from fall 2011 through summer 2013 reflecting the impact that raising the GPA for honors candidates from 3.2 to 3.3 would have had on rising seniors and graduating seniors. Leloudis agreed to conduct additional research on members’ questions and to incorporate their comments into a revised draft of the Guidelines, which will be brought back to the Boards at a future meeting.
5. Maximum Overload of 21 Hours, Senior Associate Dean Bobbi Owen
The Boards approved a proposal to raise from 20 to 21 hours the maximum number of overload hours that a student’s dean can approve for seniors meeting graduation requirements and in their final semester of residence. The proposal will be forwarded to the Educational Policy Committee.
6. Curriculum Committee Report, Associate Dean Erika Lindemann
The Boards approved the Curriculum Committee’s report as distributed. Associate Dean Lindemann reported on a project to renumber some APPL, BMME, and MTSC courses and reassign them to units affected by the establishment of the Department of Applied Physical Sciences and by changes in the reporting structure for the Department of Biomedical Engineering.
7. Miscellaneous Curriculum Changes, Associate Dean Erika Lindemann
The Boards approved the miscellaneous curriculum changes as distributed.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:53 p.m.
Next meeting of the Administrative Boards
Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m., Steele 3020