3-30-2011 Administrative Boards Minutes
of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences
Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 3:00 PM
3020 Steele Building
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. and chaired by Senior Associate Dean Bobbi Owen.
Members in attendance: Allen Anderson, Yaakov Ariel, Kevin Guskiewicz, Jordynn Jack, Erika Lindemann, Lee May, Rich McLaughlin, Bobbi Owen, Abigail Panter, Gary Pielak, James Rives, Jane Thrailkill, Barbara Wildemuth.
Staff: Laurie Holst, Nick Siedentop
Guest: Andrea Biddle, Educational Policy Committee Chair
Regrets: Chris Derickson, Karen Gil, Juan Carlos Gonzales-Espitia, Jackie Hagan, Kenneth Janken, Patricia Parker, Steve Reznick, Dulcie Straughan, Dorothy Verkerk, Heather Williams.
1. Department of Linguistics: Dual BA/MA Degree Proposal, effective fall 2012
After significant discussion about the integrity of dual BA/MA degree programs and their influence on higher education, the Administrative Boards approved the dual BA/MA proposal from the Department of Linguistics. Members requested that two matters of concern be conveyed to the Department of Linguistics to the Graduate School:
- That the requirements/expectations for the master’s degree in the dual degree program and the free-standing MA be the same; and
- That the pairing of 200- and 500-level courses be reviewed to assure that they are appropriate to a student’s level of study.
2. ENGL 105 Proposal, effective fall 2012
Arising from the 2010 review of the “Making Connections” curriculum, the Department of English and Comparative Literature’s proposal would replace two existing three-credit courses, ENGL 101 and ENGL 102, with a four-credit, English composition and oral communication course, ENGL 105, which fulfills the CR Foundations requirement. Honors students would enroll in ENGL 105i or in a to-be-developed ENGLI 105H. These courses would be available in each term and in the summer. A few sections of ENGL 100 and 101 would be offered during the transition to the new requirement.
Students would not be able to exempt ENGL 105. However, students from North Carolina community colleges who transfer to Carolina under the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement would receive credit for ENGL 105, as would transfer students who have taken a comparable course at another institution. It is recommended that advisors strongly encourage transfer students who have not completed the requirement to register for ENGL 105 during their first semester at Carolina.
The Administrative Boards approved ENGL 105, requesting updates on the new requirement in fall 2014, 2015, and 2016. Among the topics discussed by the Boards, Andrea Biddle will convey to the Educational Policy Committee the following points:
- The fourth credit hour needs to be monitored carefully to insure that appropriate instruction is taking place.
- When multimedia projects are part of the fourth credit hour writing needs to be a significant activity.
- Instruction in a virtual classroom is acceptable for the fourth credit hour, provided that virtual time is distinguished from face-to-face instruction.
- The Department of English and Comparative Literature has sufficient instructors, staff development infrastructure, classroom space, and administrative oversight to support the new one-semester requirement.
3. Department of Physics and Astronomy: Astrophysics Option in the BS Degree with a Major in Physics and Astronomy, effective fall 2012
The Administrative Boards approved the proposal for an astrophysics option in the BS degree with a major in physics and astronomy.
4. Department of Allied Health Sciences: Minor in Speech and Hearing Sciences, effective fall 2011
The Departments of Communication Studies and Linguistics both approved the proposal. It was noted that a student with a major in communication studies cannot also complete the minor in speech and hearing sciences.
The Administrative Boards approved the minor in speech and hearing sciences.
5. Revision of CI criteria, effective fall 2011
The Departments of Asian Studies Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Linguistics, Romance Language and Literatures, and Political Science, and the Curriculum in European Studies submitted a request to have the communication intensive requirement include foreign language courses that do not fulfill the Foundations foreign language requirement.
The Administrative Boards approved deleting the phrase “in the English language” from the current “Criteria for General Education Requirements” (p. 10) describing the communication intensive requirement. Going forward, courses in which oral and written assignments are completed in a foreign language may request approval for the CI designation.
Eight foreign language courses that had once been approved as fulfilling the CI requirement but that had been deleted from the CI list in 2008 will be reviewed by Associate Dean Erika Lindemann and Nick Siedentop to insure that they conform to the current requirements for the CI designation. These courses include FREN 255, 310, 320, 350; SPAN 255, 320, 350; and GREK 507. [Note: Subsequent to the meeting, Prof. Clayton Koelb of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures informed Associate Dean Lindemann that GERM 301, 302, 303, and 310 also had been removed from the list of CI courses in 2008; Lindemann assured Koelb that these courses also can be restored, pending a review of a current syllabus.]
6. Curriculum changes, effective fall 2011
The Administrative Boards approved the following curriculum changes:
Department of American Studies
- B.A. with a major in American Studies: Regular Concentration
Literature course list: Drop ENGL 643 and add ENGL 270
Ideas and Traditions course list: Drop HIST 573 and add AMST 386, 392, 394; HIST 355, 356, 375, 589; WMST 560
Expressive Arts and Popular Culture course list: Add AMST 370, 466; ART 259, 288, 289, 481; COMM 550, 577; DRAM 287, 487, 488; ENGL 280, 284; HIST 571
Regionalism, Transnationalism, and the Public Sphere course list: Add AMST 350; ART 453, 556; ENGL 371, 475; GEOG 430; HIST 242, 373, 379, 574; PLCY 455; RELI 345
Ethnicity and Diversity course list: Drop HIST 588 and add AMST 337, 339; ANTH 206; ART 387, 485, 554; COMM 437, 576; ENGL 267, 270, 271, 361, 371, 472; HIST 241, 358, 378, 380, 576- B.A. with a major in American Studies: American Indian Studies Concentration
History course list: Add add AMST 337, 339
Culture course list: Add ANTH 206, ART 259- B.A. with a major in American Studies: International American Studies Concentration
America in the World course list: Add “one of the following” in parentheses preceding the list and add AMST 387 and HIST 242 to the list
The World in America course list: Add “one of the following” in parentheses preceding the list and add ART 453; GEOG 430; HIST 241, 574; PLCY 455; RELI 345 to the list
B.A. with a major in American Studies: Southern Studies Concentration
Core Content course list: Drop HIST 621
History and Social Sciences course list: Drop HIST 588, 621 and add AMST 350, ANTH 121
Art and Expressive Culture course list: Add ENGL 371, 475- Minor in American Indian Studies
Add AMST 337, 339; ANTH 206; ART 259 to the list of courses satisfying the minor
- Minor in International American Studies
America in the World course list: Add “one of the following” in parentheses preceding the list and add AMST 387 and HIST 242 to the list
The World in America course list: Add “one of the following” in parentheses preceding the list and add ART 453; GEOG 430; HIST 241, 574; PLCY 455; RELI 345 to the listDepartment of Asian Studies
Add ASIA 59, “Media Masala: Popular Music, TV, and the Internet in Modern India and Pakistan,” to the lists of courses satisfying the B.A. degree with a major in Asian Studies, the major with a concentration in South Asian Studies, the interdisciplinary minor in Asian Studies, and the minor in Hindi-Urdu.Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Delete the requirement for the B.S. degree with a major in mathematical decision sciences that students must complete a foreign language through level 4. Placement in level 4 of a foreign language will satisfy the General Education requirement of level 3 proficiency.Department of Physics and Astronomy [Held over to the April 20, 2011, meeting]
Department of Romance Languages
Minor in Spanish for the professions (SPPM)
Include SPAN 327 “Venture Creation in the Spanish Speaking World,” as an equivalent for SPAN 320 “Spanish for Business” in the list of courses satisfying the minor.
7. Curriculum Committee report
Dean Lindemann presented the Boards with a list of course changes approved by the Curriculum Committee on March 13, effective fall 2011 and fall 2012. The Boards ratified the list. These transactions are appended to this document.
8. Announcements
Dean Lindemann distributed a one-page curriculum overview, which she plans to distribute to new faculty, directors of undergraduate studies, and undergraduate advisors. One of the recommendations coming from the 2010 curriculum review was for improved communication with faculty about the curriculum. Dean Lindemann asked the Boards to send her any suggested revisions by April 14.
The meeting adjourned at 4:17 p.m.