2-26-13 Administrative Boards Minutes
Minutes of the Administrative Boards
of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences
Tuesday, February, 26 2013
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. and chaired by Senior Associate Dean Bobbi Owen.
Members in attendance: Jaye Cable, Marcie Cohen Ferris, Li-Ling Hsiao, Erika Lindemann, Lee May, Bobbi Owen, Steve Reznick, Margaret Scarry, Nick Siedentop, Keith Sockman, Dulcie Straughan, Barbara Wildemuth
Absent: Yaakov Ariel, Tyler Curtain, Chris Derickson, Karen Gil, Deborah Jones, Anne MacNeil, Louise McReynolds, Krista Perreira, Gary Pielak, Christopher Putney, Daniel Sherman, Jane Thrailkill, Mike Waltman
Staff: Ben Haven
1. Welcome by Senior Associate Dean Bobbi Owen
2. 2010 Curriculum Review Connections Subcommittee recommendation for BIOL 101L
Dean Owen explained that the 2010 Curriculum Review recommendation removing the communication intensive (CI) designation from BIOL 101L could not be implemented. Discussions with the Department of Biology had considered awarding CI credit for the on-campus course only and not for equivalent courses carrying BE (By-Examination) credit, since there was no control on the amount of writing. However, assigning different General Education designations to different versions of the same course is impracticable and establishes a troubling precedent. The Department of Biology can determine whether BIOL 101L should continue to fulfill the CI requirement or not, but all versions of the course—whether taken for graded credit or by examination—must retain the same features. After discussion, the Boards concurred that all versions of BIOL 101L would continue to fulfill the CI requirement.
3. Proposal for a dual MA-degree program in the TransAtlantic Master’s Program, Center for European Studies
The proposed two-year program would enable graduate students to earn dual MA degrees, one through the UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Political Science and the other at either the University of Bremen or the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. Students would complete coursework both in Chapel Hill and abroad. The Boards approved the dual MA-degree program in the TransAtlantic Master’s Program, contingent on approval by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) and The Graduate School.
4. Proposal for a graduate certificate in digital humanities, Department of American Studies
The graduate certificate in digital humanities requires at least nine semester hours (three courses) and a field experience (one semester hour). The Boards approved the certificate, effective in fall 2013, provided that students take at least one of the required three-credit courses at UNC-Chapel Hill. Questions about how many credit hours may count toward the student’s degree requirements will be communicated to the proposers and The Graduate School.
5. Proposed course list for the minor in education, School of Education
Associate Dean Erika Lindemann distributed the original proposal for the minor in education, as approved by the Boards on August 28, 2011. The minor includes one course in the College of Arts and Sciences drawn from a list of courses approved by the Boards. The Boards approved the addition of four courses to this list: COMM 318, ENGL 290, HIST 367, and PLCY 530.
6. Proposed revision to the Undergraduate Bulletin concerning requests to change the date of a final examination
Instructors currently have until the first day of the final examination period to request permission to reschedule a final examination. The proposed revision would change the deadline to the fifth day of classes. The proposal does not affect the requirement that chairs approve an instructor’s request to administer a non-traditional final exam. The Boards approved the proposal, which will be forwarded to the Educational Policy Committee.
7. Revised list of foreign language substitutions and a revised list of quantitative reasoning and quantitative intensive substitutions
The Boards approved the list of courses that can fulfill foreign language (FL) and quantitative reasoning (QR)/quantitative intensive (QI) General Education requirements for students with documented learning disabilities. Senior Associate Dean Owen welcomed suggestions for additional substitute courses especially for the QI and QR list; such courses cannot have mathematics prerequisites but should ask students to apply mathematical concepts or work with symbol systems or data, including geographic information systems (GIS). Three additional courses were recommended during discussion: ANTH 419, GEOL 483, and possibly CLAR 411. Associate Dean Lindemann will review these courses for possible inclusion on the list.
8. Curriculum Committee Report
The Boards approved the Curriculum Committee’s report. So far this academic year, the Curriculum Committee has reviewed almost 200 new and revised courses and an additional 200 miscellaneous changes.
9. Miscellaneous Curriculum Changes
The Boards approved the miscellaneous curriculum changes.
10. New business
In anticipation of a robust agenda on April 16, 2013, the meeting will begin at 3:00 p.m. instead of 3:30 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:12 p.m.
Next meeting of the Administrative Boards
Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Steele 3020 (final meeting of the academic year will conclude with a get-together at the Carolina Inn)