10-13-10 Administrative Boards Minutes
of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences
Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 3:00–5:00 PM
3020 Steele Building
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. and chaired by Senior Associate Dean Bobbi Owen.
Members in attendance: Allen Anderson, Yaakov Ariel, Chris Derickson, Kevin Guskiewicz, Li-Ling Hsiao, Jordynn Jack, Erika Lindemann, Rich McLaughlin, Bobbi Owen, Abigail Panter, Steve Reznick, James Rives, Dulcie Straughan, Barbara Stenross, Monika Truemper-Ritter, Barbara Wildemuth.
Regrets: Bruce Fried, Karen Gil, Juan Carlos Gonzáles-Espitia, Jackie Hagan, Sudhanshu Handa, Patricia Parker, Gary Pielak, Jane Thrailkill, Dorothy Verkerk, Adam Versenyi, Heather Williams.
Guest: Andrea Biddle, Educational Policy Committee Chair.
Staff: Laurie Holst, Nick Siedentop.
1.Curriculum Committee report . Associate Dean Erika Lindemann presented the miscellaneous approvals acted upon by the Curriculum Committee at its meeting on 6 October. The Boards unanimously approved the miscellaneous curriculum revisions, effective fall 2011. Dean Lindemann reported that she will continue to serve on the Administrative Board of the Friday Center. She will also review new Carolina Courses Online syllabuses and will bring her recommendations before the Curriculum Committee and the Boards.
2. Curriculum review sub-committee reports. Chair Abigail Panter invited the Foundations and Connections sub-committee reports to be presented to the Boards. The Foundations subcommittee report was presented by Rich McLaughlin, and the Connections subcommittee report was presented by Barbara Wildemuth. Both reports were approved by the Boards.
3. Curriculum review recommendations. Dean Bobbi Owen informed the Boards that the curriculum review recommendations, after being acted upon, will be sent to Dean Karen Gil, who will send the recommendations she thinks are appropriate on to the Educational Policy Committee and Faculty Council for approval. The revisions, if approved, will become effective fall 2011. She then asked the Boards if they would like to consider the recommendations individually or by sections.
The members took action on the recommendations one by one. After carefully considering each recommendation, and after making three wording changes to Recommendations A.5, B.2, and C.3, the Boards approved the Curriculum Review Recommendations document.
Note: Professor Abigail Panter conveyed the report to Dean Karen Gil on Monday, 25 October.
4. Criteria for General Education Requirements. Associate Dean Erika Lindemann reported that the Curriculum Committee unanimously approved the revised “Criteria for General Education Requirements” at their meeting on 6 October 2010. The Administrative Boards approved the document provisionally, pending final approval of the curriculum changes by the Faculty Council.
Dean Lindemann invited Boards members to submit to her editorial changes and agreed to prepare a revised document incorporating the actions taken at this meeting.
5. Other business. Dean Lindemann agreed to incorporate the Boards’ revisions to the “Curriculum Review Recommendations” and to send approved copies to members electronically for their records.
Note: Dean Lindemann sent the report to Administrative Boards members on 21 October.
6. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m.
7. Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 1, 3:00pm, 3020 Steele.