2018-12-04 Agenda
of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
3:00–5:00 PM, 3020 Steele Building
1. Updates and Remarks by Senior Associate Dean Abigail Panter (3:00pm)
2. IDEAs in Action General Education Proposal, Andy Perrin (3:05pm)
3. Sub-committee Reports (3:20pm)
- Course Committee, James Thompson
- Foreign Language and Quantitative Reasoning Substitution Course List and Criteria, James Thompson
- Program Committee, Nick Siedentop
4. Addendum to the Articulation Agreement with North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Physics (3:25pm) (for original proposal, click here)
5. Applied Physical Sciences and Engineering, B.S., Rich Goldberg (3:30pm)
6. New Graduate Certificate, Impact Evaluation (3:45pm) (from November meeting)
7. New Undergraduate Major, Medical Anthropology, B.A., Michele Rivkin-Fish (4:00pm) (from November meeting)
8. New Undergraduate Minor, Translation and Interpreting, Tamara Cabrera (4:15pm) (from November meeting)
9. Study Abroad Proposals, Jason Kinnear (4:30pm)
- UNC Mesoamerica Through Its Native Literatures and Cultures in Guatemala
- UNC Burch in Scotland
- UNC Computer Science in Denmark
- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (USCS), Milan, Italy
- Semester at Sea
10. Policy on Level One (1) of a High School Foreign Language, James Thompson (4:50pm)