2018-04-17 Agenda
of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
3:30–5:00 PM, 3020 Steele Building
1. Updates and Remarks by Senior Associate Dean Abigail Panter
2. Discussion of the New General Education Curriculum, Andy Perrin
3. M.A. and Ph.D. in Global Africana Studies, Eunice Sahle and Claude Clegg
4. Study Abroad Proposals, Emily Marlton
- University of Mannheim – Exchange
- Erasmus University of Rotterdam – Exchange
- Yale Summer Session in Arusha: Intermediate Kiswahili I & II – Direct Enroll Program
- UNC in the Netherlands (Amsterdam and the Dutch Golden Age) – Short-Term Program
- UNC in London (International Sports Management) – Short-Term Program
- Pitt Film in London – Direct Enroll Program
- University of Limerick – Exchange
5. First-Year Seminar Course Scheduling Policy, Drew Coleman
6. Curriculum Committee Report, James Thompson
7. Environment, Ecology, Energy Program, Jaye Cable
8. Undergraduate Program Updates, Nick Siedentop
- English and Comparative Literature, B.A. – additional updates/edits from previously approved proposal on December 5, 2017
- Medical Anthropology Minor
- Romance Languages Major, B.A. – Portuguese