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Minutes of the Administrative Boards
of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences
Tuesday, October 30, 2012


The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. and chaired by Senior Associate Dean Bobbi Owen.

Members in attendance: Yaakov Ariel, Jaye Cable, Tyler Curtain, Marcie Cohen Ferris, Li-Ling Hsiao, Erika Lindemann, Anne MacNeil, Lee May, Louise McReynolds, Bobbi Owen, Krista Perreira, Gary Pielak, Steve Reznick, Margaret Scarry, Daniel Sherman, Nick Siedentop, Mike Waltman

Absent: Chris Derickson, Karen Gil, Deborah Jones, Christopher Putney, Dulcie Straughan, Jane Thrailkill, Barbara Wildemuth

Guests:  Kenneth Janken, Eunice Sahle, Vin Steponaitis

Staff: Ben Haven

1. Welcome by Senior Associate Dean Bobbi Owen.

2. Name change for the Department of African and Afro-American Studies and Revised Major and Minors in African, African American, and Diaspora Studies. Eunice Sahle, Chair, and Kenneth Janken, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of African and Afro-American Studies responded to questions from the Boards regarding the department’s name change and curriculum change proposals.  Questions were raised about the timing of the name change and the wording and reference to diaspora.  There was general support, with reservations from some members, to approve the name change, effective July 1, 2013.  One member did not support the name change.  The Boards also endorsed the revised BA major and the revised minor in African studies and the minor in African American and Diaspora studies, effective fall 2013.

3. New Concentrations for the BA Major in History.
The Boards approved deleting the BA major concentration in “Third World/Non-Western History” and replacing it with concentrations in “African, Asian, and Middle Eastern history,” “Latin American history,” and “Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European history.”

4. Elimination of the Computer Engineering and the Materials Science Tracks in the BS Major in Applied Science.
The Boards approved the elimination of the computer engineering and the materials science tracks in the BS major in applied science.

5. Proposal to Rescind the Supplemental General Education Requirement for the BS Major in Psychology.
The Boards approved the proposal to rescind the supplemental general education requirement for the BS major in psychology.

6. Faculty Council Resolution 2012-11.
On October 5, 2012, the Faculty Council passed Resolution 2012-11.  Nick Siedentop distributed a handout with a side-by-side comparison of the Boards’ approved Statement from September 18, 2012 and the Faculty Council’s Resolution, which the Boards then discussed.   Taking the Boards’ comments under advisement, Dean Owen said that she would consider the best way to publish these guidelines before the next Administrative Boards Meeting.

7. Curriculum Committee Report and Miscellaneous Curriculum Changes.
The Boards approved the Curriculum Committee’s report and the miscellaneous curriculum changes as distributed.

8. University Government Committee Update Concerning Divisions in the College.
Vin Steponaitis provided the Boards with an update on the work of the Committee on University Government.  In an effort to make the Faculty Code consistent with current practices, the Committee is considering eliminating governance roles while maintaining advisory roles for the chairs and vice-chairs of the divisions in the College of Arts and Sciences. The Committee hopes to have language for amending the Code ready for consideration by Faculty Council in February 2013.

9. Adjournment
The Administrative Boards meeting was adjourned at 4:47 p.m.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Steele 3020.

End-of-Semester Get-Together: Friday, December 14, 2012, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Carolina Club, O’Herron’s Grill